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Sign: Naan - Hamra House

Na’an, Israel

On the sign:
בית החמרה
הבית נבנה ב-1945 מלבנים שהיו תערובת של אדמת חמרה וקש. בניית הבית נעשתה ע"י חברים לאחר שעות העבודה עבור שתי משפחות. מתחת לבית היה סוד גדול, אחד ה"סליקים" המרכזיים של "ההגנה" אשר הותקן בו מכסה סתרים. במלחמת העצמאות שכנה כאן המפקדה של נען ופעל בה משדר חשאי.
כיום משמש הבית מוזיאון לתולדות נען במערכות ההגנה והבטחון ובחיי היום-יום בעשרים השנים הראשונות 1949-1930.
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One of the signs placed in 1970 at the celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the kibbutz and showing places of historical importance in the history of the kibbutz Naan

The Hamra House was photographed a month later by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The sign made of wood that appears on the hamra house was taken that day by the same photographer.
The following text appears on the sign:
The Hamra house
A house for the history of Naan in the defense and security systems and in daily life - first years 1929-1949
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

Hamra House
The house was built in 1945 from bricks that were a mixture of hamra and straw soil. The house was built by members after work for two families. Underneath the house was a big secret, one of the main "slicks" of the Haganah, which had a secret lid installed. During the War of Independence, Naan’s headquarters were located here and a secret transmitter operated.
Today, the house serves as a museum of Naan’s history in defense and security systems and in daily life for the first twenty years 1949-1930.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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