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Sign: Tel Aviv - Magidovich House - Hatavor 26

HaTavor St 26, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

On the sign:
בית מגידוביץ

אדריכל מקורי: יהודה מגידוביץ
אדריכלות ושיקום: פרופ’ ניצה סמוק אדריכלים
יזם: עמנואל קונסטבלר
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The building was photographed that day Click for a larger image

This is a plot of land that Yehuda Magidovich purchased and on which he built an apartment house for rent. Due to the outbreak of World War II, Magidovich had difficulty finding tenants for the apartments, which caused him economic problems.

Translation of the text on the sign:
Magidovich House

Original architect: Yehuda Magidovich
Architecture and restoration: Prof. Nitza Szmuk Architects
Developer: Emanuel Constbler

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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