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Sign: Nesher - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Houses of Balad Ash-Shaykh

Derech HaShalom 20, Nesher, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
סמל העיר נשר
סמל משרד התרבות והספורט

בתי בלד א-שייח’ ופעולת התגמול של ה"הגנה"

בליל 31.12.1947 - 1.1.1948 ביצע ארגון ה"הגנה" פעולת תגמול נגד הכפרים בלד א-שייח’ וחוואסה, שחלק מתושביהם היו שותפים לטבח בבתי הזיקוק שבו נרצחו 39 יהודים ב־ 30 בדצמבר 1947.
המבנה במיקום זה שימש למסחר בקומה התחתונה (עם מבנים סמוכים מחוברים) בתקופת בלד א-שייח’ ובהמשך בתקופת תל חנן. בקומה השנייה מאוחר יותר שכנו משרדי מפא"י וחלל לאירועים.
בפעולה נפלו חנן זלינגר, חיים בן דור ועמוס גלילי ז"ל. הנופלים הונצחו בעיר נשר על ידי קריאת שכונות על שמם: תל חנן, בן דור וגבעת עמוס.
בתחילת שנות ה-50 של המאה ה-20 הותקן במקום לוח הנצחה לחנן זלינגר ולחיים בן דור על קיר הבית. גננות נהגו לבוא למקום בערב יום הזיכרון עם ילדי הגן. המבנה נהרס בתחילת שנות ה-90 של המאה ה -20.

Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel
The emblem of the city of Nesher
Symbol of the Ministry of Culture and Sports

On the night of 31 December 1947 - 1 January 1948, the Hagana forces retaliated for the Haifa Oil Refinery massacre. In this action, Hanan Salinger, Chaim Ben Dor and Amos Galili were killed. This sign commemorates Hanan Salinger and Chaim Ben Dor.

[תמונה: ילדים בערב הזיכרון ליד שלט הזיכרון לחנן זלינגר וחיים בן דור (21 באפריל 1977)
צלם: שלום שטרסברג, ארכיון עיריית נשר]
[Photo: Children on the eve of the memorial service next to the memorial plaque to Hanan Salinger and Chaim Ben Dor (April 21, 1977)
Photographer: Shalom Strasberg, Nesher Municipality Archive]

A QR code that refers to an entry about Hanan Salinger in Wikipedia
A QR code that refers to an entry about Amos Galili in Wikipedia
A QR code that refers to an entry about Chaim Ben Dor in Wikipedia
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The sign shape is rectangular but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

The sign in its entirety was photographed that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The building in front of him is the sign was taken that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

Next to this sign is a commemorative sign that was also taken by the same photographer, about a month after the photo of the current sign:
On the 19th of Tevet, 1948
Hanan Zellinger
Member of Yagur Farm
Haim Ben-Dor
From Jerusalem
In retaliation for the murder of Jews
[It is interesting that Amos Galili’s name does not appear on this sign, it is possible that Galili was not a member of the Palmach]
Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[There are many details in the Hebrew text that are not in the English text, below is a translation of the Hebrew version]
On the night of December 31, 1947 - January 1, 1948, the Haganah carried out retaliatory action against the villages of Balad a-Sheikh and Hawasa, some of whose residents were involved in the massacre at the refineries where 39 Jews were murdered on December 30, 1947.
The building at this location was used for commerce on the lower floor (with adjacent buildings attached) during the Balad a-Sheikh period and later during the Tel Hanan period. On the second floor later were Mapai offices and events space.
Hanan Zellinger, Chaim Ben Dor and the late Amos Galili fell in the action. The fallen were commemorated in the city of Nesher by naming neighborhoods after them: Tel Hanan, Ben Dor and Givat Amos.
In the early 1950s, a memorial plaque to Hanan Zellinger and Chaim Ben Dor was installed on the wall of the house. Gardeners used to come to the place on the eve of Memorial Day with the kindergarten children. The building was demolished in the early 1990s.

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