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Sign: Nesher - commemoration of David Amar, Mayor of Nesher

HaShita St 19, Nesher, Israel

On the sign:
סמל עיריית נשר

דוד עמר

ראש המועצה והעיר נשר
בין השנים 1989-2013
הוביל את הפיכת העיר מישוב פועלים קטן לעיר מפותחת, בעשייתו למען החינוך, החוסן הכלכלי והתרבות.
הדגיש בכל עת את חשיבות החינוך באימרתו הידועה: ״חינוך, חינוך, חינוך"
דוד עמר היה איש מעשה, אדם ישר דרך, קשוב לכל נזקק ואהוב על הבריות. הקדיש את חייו למען בניית העיר ותושביה.
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The sign is in the school: David Amar Middle School, named after him.

Next to the sign is a statue with a harp and a book.

The surroundings of the sign were photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Nesher municipality emblem

David Amar

The head of the council and the mayor of Nesher
Between the years 1989-2013
He led the transformation of the city from a small working-class settlement to a developed city, working for education, economic resilience and culture.
He always emphasized the importance of education in his well-known saying: "Education, education, education"
David Amar was a man of action, an honest man, attentive to everyone in need and loved by mankind. He dedicated his life to building the city and its residents.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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