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Sign: Jerusalem - Heritage Sites in Israel - The David Yellin Teacher’s College

Ma’agal Beit HaMidrash St 7, Jerusalem, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
סמל העיר ירושלים
סמל ארגון חברי ההגנה בירושלים
סמל ההגנה

המכללה לחינוך על שם דוד ילין בסיס לפעילות "ההגנה"
ארגון "ההגנה" הוקם בשנת 1920 והיה הצבא העברי המחתרתי שהיה נתון למרות ההנהגה הציונית הנבחרת בארץ.
לוחמי "ההגנה" עמדו על משמר הגנת הישוב היהודי בארץ ישראל מאז היווסדו ובזמן מאורעות תרפ"ט (1929), מאורעות תרצ"ו-תרצ"ט (1939-1936) ומלחמת העצמאות, עד ש"ההגנה" הפכה לצה"ל ב-1948.
המכללה לחינוך על שם דוד ילין, השוכנת במקום זה מאז 1928, נוסדה בשנת תרע"ד (1913) כ"בית המדרש העברי למורים". תלמידים של מוסד חינוכי זה התנדבו ל"הגנה" מאז 1920, והמכללה מילאה תפקיד חשוב בפעולות הארגון ובמבצעיו כל השנים.
המקום שימש כמטה אזורי, בסיס יציאה לפעילות שונות,מקום ריכוז, בסיס לאימונים והדרכה וכן הוחזק בו נשק.

Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel
The emblem of the city of Jerusalem
The symbol of the members of the Haganah organization in Jerusalem
the symbol of Haganah

The David Yellin Teacher’s College
The college fulfilled an important role in the activities of the Haganah. It served as a recruitment center and as a regional command post. Later, it also functioned as a training center and as hiding place for weapons.
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The sign shape is rectangular but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

The house was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image

Next to this sign is a sign that was placed later, focusing on the building’s use as an educational academy Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:
[The Hebrew text is more detailed, below is its translation]
The David Yelin College of Education, a basis for the "Hagana" activity
The "Haganah" organization was established in 1920 and was the underground Hebrew army that was under the command of the elected Zionist leadership in Israel.
The fighters of the "Haganah" stood guard for the protection of the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel since its founding and during the events of 1929, the events of 1936-1939 and the War of Independence, until the "Haganah" became the IDF in 1948.
The David Yelin College of Education, located in this location since 1928, was founded in 1913 as the "Hebrew Beit Midrash for Teachers". Students of this educational institution have been volunteering for the "Haganah" since 1920, and the college has played an important role in the organization’s activities and operations throughout the years
The place was used as a regional headquarters, a departure base for various activities, a place of concentration, a base for training and instruction, and weapons were kept there.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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