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Sign: Paris - History of Paris - Charlemagne high school

14 Rue Charlemagne, 75004 Paris, France

On the sign:
[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

Histoire de Paris

Lycée Charlemagne
En 1580, le cardinal Charles de Bourbon offrit aux Jésuites l’hôtel de La Rochepot qui devint leur maison de profès, dite couvent des Grands Jésuites. Ils l’embellirent et l’agrandirent progressivement jusqu’à la rue de Jouy, aujourd’hui Charlemagne. Le 6 août 1762, le Parlement de Paris prononça l’expulsion de cet ordre, et la maison fut attribuée aux Génovéfains du prieuré voisin de Sainte-Catherine-du-Va-de-Ecoliers,

[Illustration of the place]

établi de l’autre côté de la rue Saint-Antoine. Le 22 octobre 1797, une des trois écoles centrales de Paris y fut installée; elle devint en octobre 1804 le lycée Charlemagne.
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One of the series of signs describing historical places in Paris. The signs were placed starting in 1992 and are also called sucettes Starck (Starck’s Lollipops) after Philippe Starck who designed them.

The illustration in the center of the sign is shown here at magnification Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

History of Paris

Charlemagne high school
In 1580, Cardinal Charles de Bourbon offered the Jesuits the Hôtel de La Rochepot, which became their professed house, known as the convent of the Great Jesuits. They embellished it and gradually extended it to rue de Jouy, now Charlemagne. On August 6, 1762, the Parliament of Paris pronounced the expulsion of this order, and the house was attributed to the Génovéfains of the neighboring priory of Sainte-Catherine-du-Va-de-Ecoliers,

[Illustration of the place]

established on the other side of rue Saint-Antoine. On October 22, 1797, one of the three central schools of Paris was installed there; in October 1804 it became the Lycée Charlemagne.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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