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Sign: Paris - History of Paris - Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis Church

97 Rue Saint-Antoine, 75004 Paris, France

On the sign:
[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

Histoire de Paris

Eglisé Saint Paul Saint-Louis
Le 16 mars 1627 Louis XIII pose la première pierre de l’eglise des Jésuites. Construite par le pere François Derand sur les plans du frère Martellange, elle est consacrée le 9 mai 1641 sous le vocable
de saint Louis. Célèbre pour ses prédicateurs, notamment Bourdaloue, elle possede un riche mobilier, et de nombreuses oeuvres d’art en harmonie avec son style inspiré du baroque italien. La plupart ont disparu à la Révolution. A sa réouverture, en 1802, l’église adopte le nom de Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis pour conserver le souvenir de l’église paroissiale Saint-Paul, située dans la rue du même nom et détruite en 1799.

[Illustration of the Church]
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One of the series of signs describing historical places in Paris. The signs were placed starting in 1992 and are also called sucettes Starck (Starck’s Lollipops) after Philippe Starck who designed them.

The plaque depicts the Saint Paul Saint-Louis Catholic Church, the first church in Paris whose construction did not have Gothic influences, and was built in the Baroque style.

The church was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

The illustration in the center of the sign is shown here at magnification Click for a larger image

The place is defined as a historical heritage site of France, as you can see in the following sign that was taken that day

Click for a larger image
and in the following page Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:

[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

History of Paris

Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis Church
On March 16, 1627 Louis XIII laid the first stone of the Jesuit church. Built by Father François Derand on the plans of Brother Martellange, it was consecrated on May 9, 1641 under the name
of Saint Louis. Famous for its preachers, notably Bourdaloue, it has rich furniture and numerous works of art in harmony with its style inspired by Italian baroque. Most of them disappeared during the Revolution. When it reopened in 1802, the church adopted the name Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis to preserve the memory of the parish church of Saint-Paul, located in the street of the same name and destroyed in 1799.

[Illustration of the Church]

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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