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Sign: Rotterdam - Delfshaven - Wijdesteeg Street

Wijdesteeg 5, 3025 HZ Rotterdam, Netherlands

On the sign:

De Wijdesteeg werd omstreeks 1600 gebouwd en stond vroeger bekend als de Wijdepoort. De naam zal toen wel op een ruimere doorgang hebben geduid maar doordat er in de steegopening is gebouwd is ’wijd’ nu niet meer van toepassing. Voorheen waren er hier in Delfshaven vele stegen en steegjes. De Wijdesteeg is de laatste van zijn soort.

Wijdesteeg (Wide Alley) was built around 1600 and used to be known as Wijdepoort (Wide Gate). At the time the name must undoubtedly have indicated a much larger passageway. On account of building activities in the alley, wide is no longer applicable. In the old days Delfshaven had numerous large and small alleys. The Wijdesteeg is the last of its kind.

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Delfshaven is a district of Rotterdam that was independent until 1886.
Delfshaven was spared from the German bombing of Rotterdam, but part of it was damaged by Allied bombing in 1943

The street signs that do not differ in format from the regular street signs in the city Click for sign's details (perhaps their color has faded somewhat), accompanied by explanations about the name of the street and its history.

The next photo taken by the same photographer on the same day shows the building on which the sign is located Click for a larger image

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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