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Sign: Paris - Saint-Germain-des-Prés Metro Station - "The Myth of Saint-Germain" - Roland Topor

Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 75006 Paris, France

On the sign:
Roland Topor

QR code: Le Mythe Saint-Germain : un lexique amoureux - RATP

Sur le papier épais, les mains sont tracées à l’encre noire. Fond gris, comme un trottoir parisien. Un homme, assis à une table, tente d’attraper un verre à pied. Mais les doigts sont trop nombreux. Ils semblent courir, dépasser leur propriétaire, qui les contemple d’un air soucieux. Des mains «paniquées», comme celui qui signe cet autoportrait. Prix des Deux Magots en 1970 pour Joko féte son anniversaire, ancien étudiant des Beaux-Arts de Paris, touche-à-tout insatiable, Roland Topor explore. Ou’il écrive (romans, nouvelles, pièces de theatre, séries télé) ou dessins (affiches, presse, livres), en son nom ou pour d’autres, le crayon s’en flamme, déborde les cadres, insolent. Mains d’un artiste polymorphe et prolifique: la feuille, chez lui n’a plus de limites

© Marie-Laure de Decker
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The myth of Saint-Germain" - personalities who contributed to the history of the neighborhood, an exhibition on display at the metro station of Saint-Germain. For more details, see the following sign Click for sign's details

The letter displayed at the top of the sign indicates the letter in the name of the station dedicated to the current personality, as can be seen in the following photo taken on the same day, which also includes the photo of Roland Topor Click for a larger image

Roland Topor (1938-1997) French painter, illustrator and writer, who was involved in almost all fields of art: cinema, television series, literature, poetry and more.
As a child, because of his Jewish origin, he hid with a French family to hide from the Nazis who ruled France.

Translation of the text on the sign:

Roland Topor

On the thick paper, the hands are traced in black ink. Gray background, like a Parisian sidewalk. A man, seated at a table, tries to grab a stemmed glass. But there are too many fingers. They seem to be running, overtaking their owner, who is looking at them with a concerned look. “Panicized” hands, like the one signing this self-portrait. Prix des Deux Magots in 1970 for Joko celebrates his birthday (Joko fête son anniversaire), former student of the Beaux-Arts in Paris, insatiable jack-of-all-trades, Roland Topor explores. Whether he writes (novels, short stories, plays, TV series) or draws (posters, press, books), in his name or for others, the pencil catches fire, overflows the frames, insolent. Hands of a polymorphous and prolific artist: the sheet, for him, no longer has limits

© Marie-Laure de Decker

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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