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Qui mieux que Simone de Beauvoir a incarné le mythe de Saint-Germain-des-Prés? Simone: un port de tête, un esprit, une philosophie - lexistentialisme - une époque, mais surtout une rigueur intellectuelle qui. plus de trente ans après sa disparition, continue à inspirer. Sous sa plume, dans ses essais, romans et écrits autobiographiques, du Deuxième Sexe aux Memoires dune jeune fille rangée, cest avant tout le combat pour les femmes qui trouve une voix, qui ouvre sa voie. En 1978, alors que Jean-Paul Sartre demande à celle quil surnomme affectueusement Castor de résumer, de façon presque testamentaire, ce quaura été son œuvre, Simone de Beauvoir répond, altière et modeste à la fois: «Moi, ce que je voulais essentiellement, cétait parler aux gens, pour ainsi dire de bouche à oreille.» Faire en sorte que les lecteurs «sidentifient»; peut-être plus encore, quils «tirent profit». Des mots dont on sempare, comme des armures ,pour se «penser une certaine ligne de vie», à limage de celle de lauteure.
The myth of Saint-Germain" - personalities who contributed to the history of the neighborhood, an exhibition on display at the metro station of Saint-Germain. For more details, see the following sign Click for sign's details
The letter displayed at the top of the sign indicates the letter in the name of the station dedicated to the current personality, as can be seen in the following photo taken on the same day, which also includes the photo of Simone de Beauvoir Click for a larger image
Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) is a writer and philosopher and one of the leading feminists of her time. was the partner of Jean-Paul Sartre and the couple was one of the most prominent in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district
Translation of the text on the sign: [s] As
Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)
Who better than Simone de Beauvoir embodied the myth of Saint-Germain-des-Prés? Simone: a way of thinking, a spirit, a philosophy - existentialism - an era, but above all an intellectual rigor which. more than thirty years after her death, continues to inspire. Under her pen, in her essays, novels and autobiographical writings, from the Second Sex to the Memoirs of a Tidy Young Girl, it is above all the fight for women which finds a voice, which opens its path. In 1978, when Jean-Paul Sartre asked the woman he affectionately nicknamed Castor to summarize, in an almost testamentary way, what her work would have been, Simone de Beauvoir responded, haughty and modest at the same time: “Me, this What I essentially wanted was to talk to people, so to speak by word of mouth.” Getting readers to “identify”; perhaps even more, that they “take advantage”. Words that we take hold of, like armor, to “imagine a certain line of life”, like that of the author.