Various signs
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Sign: Tallinn - Kuldjala tower

Gümnaasiumi 1, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia

On the sign:
[illustration of the tower]
Rein Zobeli joonised / Rein Zobel’s drawings

Kuldjala torn

Torn rajati tsistertslaste Mihkli nunnakloostri territooriumi ümbritsevale müürilõigule 14. sajandi algul. "Kuldse jala" (de Guldene Voet) nime all, mille algupära pole teada, mainitakse seda 1434. aastal. Samas on seda nimetatud lihtsalt "halva katusega" (quad dack) torniks. Hoburauakujulise torni kõige vanemad ehitusosad on säilinud selle kolmel alumisel korrusel. Hiljem, seoses tulirelvade kasutuselevõtuga, paksendati torni seinu väljapoole ja lisati kaks kaitsekorrust. 3. korruse võlv on säilinud koos ehitusaegse puitraketisega .Torni on korrastatud 1958-66 ja 2004.

Kuldjala (Golden Leg) Tower

The tower was built in the beginning of the 14th century in the wall section surrounding the territory of the Cistercian convent of St Michael. It is mentioned in 1434 under the name "Golden Leg" (de Guldene Voet), the origin of which is unknown. Also, it has also been called simply a tower "with bad roof" (quad dack). The walls belonging to the earliest stages of the horseshoe-shaped tower have preserved in its three lower floors. Later, taking into account the use of firearms, the walls of the tower were built thicker outside and two new defence floors were added. The vault on the third floor has been preserved with its timber formwork. The tower has been restored in 1958-66 and in 2004.
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The tower, built at the beginning of the 14th century, was photographed that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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