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Sign: Tallinn - Nunnadetagune torn (the tower behind the nuns)

Kooli 5, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia

On the sign:
[illustration of the tower]
Rein Zobeli joonised / Rein Zobel’s drawings

Nunnadetagune torn

Nelinurkne konsooltorn rajati tsistertslaste Mihkli nunnakloostrit ümbritsevale müürilõigule 14. sajandil, mil seda nimetati „erker nunnade taga" (alamsks arkenel ageter den sustern). Algehitises oli vaid üks sakmetega kaitsekorrus, mis ulatus 10 m kõrgusele. 15. sajandil sai torn seoses linnamüüri kõrgendamisega kaks kaitsekorrust, millest alumisel oli kolm laskeava suurematele ja ülemisel neli väiksematele tulin vadele; lisaks kulges läbi torni linnamüüri kaitsekäik. Ülakorruselt alguse saavad trepiastmed osutavad täiendava puidust pealisehitise olegasolule. Uusajal jäi torn laokile ja ehitati lõpuks kokku elumajaga. Torni katust korrastati 1930. ja 1960. aastatel.

Behind-the-Nuns Tower

This overhanging rectangular turret was built in the 14th century on a segment of wall surrounding St Michael’s Cistercian Convent. At the time, the tower was called ’the oriel behind the nuns’ (Low German: arkenel ageter den sustern). The original building had only one crenellated defensive storey, which reached a height of 10 metres. In the 15th century, when the tower as well as the town wall were built higher, tower got two defensive storeys. The lower storey had three gun ports for bigger firearms, while the upper storey had four gun ports for smaller firearms. In addition, the walkway of the town wall ran through the tower. A staircase on the top floor points to the existence of an additional wooden superstructure. During the modern era, the tower fell into disrepair and was eventually integrated into a residential building. The tower’s roof was repaired in both the 193os and the 1960s.
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In the next picture from where the sign was taken, you can see the section of the wall where tower is located Click for a larger image

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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