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Sign: Tallinn - Nun’s Tower

Väike-Kloostri 1, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia

On the sign:
[illustration of the tower]
Rein Zobeli joonised / Rein Zobel’s drawings


Torn rajati 14. sajandi alguses tsistertslaste Mihkli nunnakloostrit piiravale müüriloigule. Algse torni jälgi on võimalik näha praeguse torni alumisel kørrusel. Ristküliknkujulise põhiplaaniga ja 8,4 m körguse ehitise müürist eenduy väliskülg toetus kahele kønsoolile. Uus, kolmveerandringikujulise põhiplaaniga toru pärineb 15. sajandist. Selle allosas on kõrge laokorrus ja üleval kaks tulirelvadega arvestavat kaitsekorrust. Torni väliskäljel on hästi säilinud käimla (dansker). Omapärane on torni siseküljel kaitsekäigu kõrguseni ulatuv teravkaarne nišš. Torni on korrastatud 1955-60, 1989 ja 2004.

Nun’s Tower

The tower was built in the beginning of the 14th century in the wall section encircling the St Michael’s Cistercian nunnery. The traces of the original tower can be seen in the lower level of the current tower. The exterior of the 8.4 m high turret with a rectangular layout, protruding from the town wall, was supported by two corbels. The new tower with a three-quarter circular layout dates back to the 15th century. There is a high storage floor at the bottom and two defence floors intended for firearms on top. There is also toilet - garderobe (dansker) on the exterior of the tower. A special feature is a niche with a pointed arch on the inside of the tower extending to the height of the wall-walk. The tower has been restored in 1955-60, 1989, and 2004.
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One of the towers on the Tallinn Wall. This tower was also built at the beginning of the 14th century

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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