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Sign: Amherst - Yiddish Writers Garden - Intellectuals who were killed during Stalin’s time

1021 West St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

On the sign:
דער נסתר
הינטער א פלויט
די משפחה מאַשבער

Der Nister
Behind a Fence
The Family Mashber

In memory of Sophie & William B. Lippman, by Dr. Alfred & Lee Hutt

שלוימע מיכאעלס
קעניג ליר
נתן בעקער פֿאָרט אַהיים

Solomon Mikhoels
King Lear
The Return of Nathan Becker

In commemoration of the Rochever Voliner Community and the many families of members who perished in the Holocaust, and in memory of those who treasured Yiddish

משה קולבאַק
מוניע דער פֿויגל־הענדלער

Moyshe Kulbak
Muni the Bird Dealer

A gift of Ralph & Libby Okun Cohen

פרץ מאַרקיש
די קופע
דור אויס, דור אײַן

Peretz Markish
The Heap
A Generation Goes, A Generation Comes

A gift of Louise & Arthur Schwartz and family

דוד האָפֿשטיין
בײַ וועגן
איך גלייב

David Hofstein
Along Paths
I Believe

In honor of Herman & Zelda Bernard and Martin & Hannah Landau, by Stephen & Shula Bernard

דוד בערגעלסאָן
אַרום וואָקזאַל
נאָך אַלעמען
אין אַ פֿאַרגרעבטער שטאָט

David Bergelson
At the Depot
When All Is Said and Done
In an Ignorant City

In memory of Lena & Julius Stein and Sarah & Morris Glick, by Leonard & Nansi Glick

David Bergelson from At the Depot
פונוויט איז דער צוג געלאָפֿן און געטראָגן האָט ער מיט זיך אַ גוטע און אַ פֿריילעבע בשורה פֿארן ואקזאל און פֿאַר דער געגנט, און געאמלט האט ער דך די בשורה צו ברענגען. אבער נאך אינעם ערשטן טרישיק אָפּהילכן פֿון זיין לאנגן און פֿריילעבן פֿיף האט ער זיך שוין איבערצענגט אז די מרה שחורה איז דא זייער טיף און אייביק ער איז שוין צום ואָקזאַל צוגעקראָכן פאַמעלעך מיט אַ געפֿאַלענעם געמיט און דארטן שטיין געבליבן מיט א שווערן און לאבן זיפֿץ פֿון דער באַפֿרימטער אין הייסער פאַרע פונעם קארמאן אוטוישט אומזיסט. אין פֿאַרפֿאַלן אַלץ פֿאַרפאלך האָט זיך אַ טויבער קלאנג צראמק מיטן זיפֿץ ארומגעטראָגן

The train comes from far away and is eager to impart its good tidings to the station and the surrounding countryside. But after hearing the first mournful echo of its expansive merry whistle, it realizes that nothing will ever pierce this region’s deep, eternal gloom. The train slows to a dispirited crawl, and comes to a stop with a long heavy sigh of steam. The sigh hangs susperded in the air like a verdict: "Useless, useless, and doomed."

Translated by Rath Wisse

איציק פֿעפֿער
שאָטנס פֿון וואַרשעווער געטאָ
דאָס טײַבעלע און אַנדערע מעשהלעך

Itsik Fefer
Shadows of the Warsaw Ghetto
Wood Chips
The Little Dove and Other Stories

In honor of Shira Rose Gunner Burns, by Haim & Yaffa Gunner
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A sign in the Yiddish Writers’ Garden, a garden located in the center of Yiddish books in the city, an institution established in 1980 with the aim of preserving literature written in Yiddish Click for sign's details

The current sign shows Jewish Intellectuals who were killed by the Soviets during Stalin’s time:
Der Nister (1884-1950), born in Berdychiv, Ukraine. Pen name of Pinchus Kahanovich, writer, translator and thinker. He also wrote children’s books, and translated Hans Christian Andersen’s stories into Yiddish. Died in a Soviet concentration camp
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Solomon Mikhoels (1890-1948), born in Daugavpils, Latvia. The stage name of Shloyme Vovsi, an actor and one of the cultural leaders of the Jews of the Soviet Union. Director of the State Jewish Theater in Moscow. Murdered by Stalin’s emissaries in a staged car accident.
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Moyshe Kulbak (1896-1937), was born in Smarhon, Belarus. Writer, translator, playwright and director. Considered one of the fathers of modern Yiddish literature. Executed or died of disease in a Soviet concentration camp, the year of his death is unknown (on the plaque it is stated as 1952, but it is more likely that it was between the years 1937-1941)
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Peretz Markish (1895-1952), was born in Polonne, ​​Ukraine. A poet, playwright and writer, he is considered one of the greatest Jewish poets in the Soviet Union. Executed along with other Jewish intellectuals by Stalin’s regime (Night of the Murdered Poets in the Soviet Union in 1952).
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David Hofstein (1889-1952), was born in Korostyshiv, Ukraine. Poet and writer in Yiddish and Hebrew, activist of Jewish culture in the Soviet Union. Executed along with other Jewish intellectuals by Stalin’s regime (Night of the Murdered Poets in the Soviet Union in 1952).
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David Bergelson (1884-1952), was born in Okhrimovo, Ukraine. A writer and playwright in the Soviet Union, he was executed along with other Jewish intellectuals by Stalin’s regime (Night of the Murdered Poets in the Soviet Union in 1952).
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Itsik Fefer (1952-1900), was born in Shpola, Ukraine. One of the top Jewish poets in the Soviet Union. Executed along with other Jewish intellectuals by Stalin’s regime (Night of the Murdered Poets in the Soviet Union in 1952).
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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