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Sign: Givatayim - Rishonim route - The Well at the Water Institute

HaShomer St 7, Giv’atayim, Israel

On the sign:
שכונת בורוכוב

הבאר במכון המים

[תאור האתר מופיע בשלט נפרד]

מכון המים
בימיה הראשונים של השכונה לא הייתה בה באר מים, והמים נשאבו מוואדי מוסררה (נחל איילון) והובלו בפחים ובחביות על גבי חמורים.
בשנת 1927 נחפרה כאן הבאר הראשונה, והוקם מכון שאיבה, שנקרא "מכון המים", אשר הזרים את המים לבריכה שנבנתה על הגבעה,
מהבריכה זרמו המים במערכת צינורות לבתי התושבים ולמשקי העזר.
בשנת 1933 החליט מטה ההגנה לנצל את המבנה של מכון השאיבה ואת רעש הפעלתו כדי להקים במקום בית מלאכה לייצור רימוני יד.
התקציב הראשוני, בסך 35 לירות ארץ ישראליות, שימש לרכישת מחרטה, מקדחה ומשחזת לעיבוד הגופים היצוקים של הרימונים. גופי הרימונים היו מגיעים ל"מכון המים" באישון לילה, בטנדרים ובעגלות, ושם היו מבצעים את פעולות החריטה, את המילוי עשו בהתחלה במכון "החדר הראשון", בפרדס מול משק הפועלות. לאחר השלמת הייצור, היו מועברים מדי יום כ-100 רימוני יד לסליקים, ומשם נשלחו ליחידות "ההגנה".
המנהל הראשון של "מכון המים" היה זכריה סובולייב, ועובדי תעשיית הנשק היו ישראל רבין, יצחק שיפריס, יצחק (בלכוביץ) שבתאי, מנחם רוזנברג וזבולון ובר. המקום נקרא בסלנג של "ההגנה" "המכון", ועל שמו נקראו כל מפעלי תעשית הנשק במחתרת "מכונים".

סמל קק"ל, סמל העיר גבעתיים
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
עמותת ותיקי שכונת בורוכוב
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A station on the ""Rishonim route", set up by a joint initiative of the Givatayim Municipality and the veterans association of Borochov neighborhood, featuring signs that mention the homes and institutions in Borochov neighborhoods.

The other side of the sign was photographed that day Click for a larger image

The description of the place appearing on a separate sign was incorrect, in particular the names of the "Hagana" people. The daughter of one of the industrialists, got over the mistake, and managed to convince the Givataim municipality to change the sign
The description of the site appears on a separate sign (the new sign whose text appears on the site), photographed in 2022 by Liva Dror (Shabtai) Click for a larger image

The old (and incorrect) description of the site appears on a separate sign Click for a larger image
With the text (in Hebrew)
Water Institute
In the early days of the neighborhood, there was no well, and the water was pumped from Wadi Musrara (Ayalon River) and transported in bins and barrels on donkeys. In 1927, the first well was excavated here, and a pumping institute, called the Water Institute, was established, which injected water into a large pool built on the hill, near the Borochov School. From the pool, water in a pipeline system flowed to the residents’ homes and to the auxiliary farms. In 1933, the HQ of the Hagana decided to take advantage of the pumping station’s structure and noise to set up a hand grenade workshop.
The initial budget of 35 Israeli pounds was used to purchase lathe, drill and sharpener to process the grenades’ molded bodies. The grenade bodies would arrive at the Water Institute in the dead of night, in vans and carts, where they would perform the engraving, filling the explosive and installing the ignition.
After the production process was completed, about 100 hand grenades were shipped daily, from where they were sent to the Haganah units, in accordance with the instructions of the national headquarters. The first director of the Water Institute was Zachary (Zachar) Soboliv, and the weapons industry workers were Israel Rabin, Yitzhak Shifris and Reuven Dori. The place was named in the slang of the Haganah "Institute" and named after all the arms industry enterprises in the underground of the Haganah "Institutes".

JNF (Jewish National Fund) emblem, Givatayim emblem
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites - Israel
Veterans Association Borochov neighborhood

The well is also defined as a heritage site and appears on the site Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:
Borochov neighborhood

The well at the water institute

[Site description appears on separate sign]

Water Institute
In the early days of the neighborhood, there was no well, and the water was pumped from Wadi Musrara (Ayalon River) and transported in bins and barrels on donkeys.
In 1927, the first well was excavated here, and a pumping institute, called the Water Institute, was established, called the "Water Station", which pumpedwater into a large pool built on the hill.
From the pool, water in a pipeline system flowed to the residents’ homes and to the auxiliary farms.
In 1933, the HQ of the Hagana decided to take advantage of the pumping station’s structure and noise to set up a hand grenade workshop.
The initial budget of 35 Israeli pounds was used to purchase lathe, drill and sharpener to process the grenades’ molded bodies. The grenade bodies would arrive at the Water Institute in the dead of night, in vans and carts, where they would perform the engraving, the filling was done at first at the "The First Room" institute, in the orchard in front of the Hapolot farm. After the production process was completed, about 100 hand grenades were shipped dailyto the Slikim, from where they were sent to the "Hagana" units.
The first director of the "Water Institute" was Zachary Soboliv, employees of the arms industry were Israel Rabin, Yitzhak Shifris, Yitzhak (Balchowitz) Shabtai, Menachem Rosenberg and Zebulon Weber. The place is called in the slang of the "Haganah" "the institute", and all the underground weapons industry factories were named after it "Mechanos".

JNF (Jewish National Fund) emblem, Givatayim emblem
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites - Israel
Veterans Association Borochov neighborhood

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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