Similar signs are found in many gardens in Ramat Gan.
For example, the sign at 46 Bialik Street, Ramat Gan, Israel, which reads:
Ginat Yaakov / named after the late Yaakov Rosenblum, one of the first of Ramat Gan
Click for a larger image The garden was photographed that day
Click for a larger image In the garden dedicated to the Nili underground, there is also the Nili monument
Click for sign's details Translation of the text on the sign:
Ramat Gan Municipality
The emblem of the city of Ramat Gan
Nili Garden Named after the Nili spy organization
"Eternal Israel will not lie"
Rules of conduct in the garden:
Vegetation and garden facilities should not be damaged.
No noise in the garden between 14: 00-16: 00 and between 21: 00-07: 00 the next day, as well as on Saturdays and holidays.
Entered the garden by car - forbidden
Dogs should not be allowed to roam unrestrained, and when they are not close to their owners with a leash.
Dog owners are required to collect their dog feces.
Do not light a fire in the garden and do not hold events or play games that may disturb the garden visitors or neighbors.
Children up to the age of 6 must be supervised by an adult in the play facilities.
Dear visitor, please adhere to these rules.
Keeping our Ramat Gan beautiful and clean
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