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Sign: Jerusalem - Photograph in stone - Leah Abushdid / Ittamar Ben-Avi

HaHavatselet St 8, Jerusalem, Israel

On the sign:
סמל מיזם "תמונה באבן" - רחוב החבצלת

לאה אבושדיד תרנ"ב-תשמ"ב
איתמר בן-אב"י תרמ"ב-תש"ג

[תמונות של איתמר בן אב"י ולאה אבושדיד]

Leah Abushdid 1892-1982
Ittamar Ben-Avi 1882-1943

לא פלא שאיתמר - שעל יופיו, חוכמתו וגדולתו שמענו מ"מוֹמָה לאה", אמא של דרורה ורינה, מבוקר עד ערב.
התאהב ב"אֶלָתו״ לאה, שלפי תמונותיה הייתה היפה בבנות ירושלים, ועל פי הכרותי כנכד שלה, הייתה אישה משכילה, חכמה, מצחיקה ומיוחדת - אצילה ספרדיה המתבלת את דיבורה בפתגמים בשבע שפות. לא מוצאים כמוה היום.

It is no surprise that Ittamar - about whose beauty, wisdom and greatness we heard from "Moma Leah," Drora and Rina’s mother, from morning to night - fell in love with the "divine" Leah, who from her photo was the most beautiful girl in Jerusalem. My familiarity with her as her grandson taught me that she was an educated, wise, witty and in particular refined Sephardi woman, who peppered her speech with sayings in seven languages. Her like no longer exists today.

כתב הנכד: איתמר חובב
הצילומים: מהעשור הראשון של המאה העשרים
צולמו ע"י גאראבד קריקוריאן [שמות שאר הצלמים לא ברורים]
אוסף מינהל קהילתי לב העיר, ארכיון יד בן צבי
רח’ החבצלת (לשעבר רח’ הסולל)

סמל "עדן" החברה לפיתוח מרכז ירושלים
סמל הרשות לפיתוח ירושלים
סמל העיר ירושלים
סמל מינהל קהילתי לב העיר - ירושלים
סמל יד יצחק בן צבי
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A sign belonging to the "Photograph in Stone" series. In this series, which is located mainly in the center of Jerusalem, historical buildings, prominent figures in the city’s history and more are commemorated.

The building was photographed that day Click for a larger image

The love story of Itamar Ben-Avi (son of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda), Leah Abushdid (daughter of the head of the Sephardic community in Jerusalem), whose family opposed the "Ashkenazi" groom, was known throughout Jerusalem. Itamar wrote many love songs, and finally even Those who threatened suicide, her family finally agreed, and in 1912 the two married.

The house on which the sign is located is Beit Abushdid, which currently houses Hadassah College

The couple Leah Abushdid and Itamar Ben Avi moved to Tel Aviv in a house that belonged to Leah and her brother Dr. Avraham Abushdid Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:
Symbol of the "Photograph in Stone" project - Havatzelet Street

[Pictures of Itamar Ben Avi and Leah Abushdid]

Written by the grandson: Itamar Hovav
The photographs: from the first decade of the twentieth century
Photographed by Garabed Krikorian [names of other photographers unclear]
Collection of the Lev Ha’ir Community Administration, Yad Ben Zvi Archive
Havatzelet St. (formerly HaSolel St.)

Symbol of "Eden", the company for the development of the center of Jerusalem
Symbol of the Jerusalem Development Authority
The emblem of the city of Jerusalem
Symbol of the Lev Ha’ir Community Administration - Jerusalem
Emblem of Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2019-2025

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - The site and its content are copyright protected. The full copyrights of the site's content belong to Eli Zvuluny. All images in the site (unless another photographer is mentioned) were taken by Eli Zvuluny that has the full copyrights on them. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or part, for any purpose is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Eli Zvuluny. .