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Sign: Jerusalem - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Templars Cemetery

Emek Refa’im St 37, Jerusalem, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
סמל העיר ירושלים
סמל משרד התרבות והספורט
סמל הרשות לפיתוח ירושלים
סמל משרד ירושלים ומורשת

בית הקברות של הטמפלרים
בית הקברות שימש את הקהילה הטמפלרית משנת 1878. קבורים בו תושבי המושבה הגרמנית ומנהיגי התנועה הטמפלרית. בקבר אחים קבורים בני הקהילה שנקברו קודם לכן במושבות הגרמניות בשרונה ובווילהלמה.
הצורך לבנות בית קברות טמפלרי נבע מהתנגדות הבישוף הפרוטסטנטי לקבור טמפלרים בבית הקברות בהר ציון, בטענה שאינם נוצרים.

مقبرة طائفة الهيكليين
أقيمت عالم ۱۸۷۸ بعد رفض المطران البروتستانتي دفن أموات الهيكليين في جبل صيون ، مدعيا أنهم ليسوا مسيحيين .

Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel
The emblem of the city of Jerusalem
Symbol of the Ministry of Culture and Sports
Symbol of the Jerusalem Development Authority
Emblem of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage

Built in 1878 since the Protestant Bishop refused to bury the Templars in the Mount Zion Protestant cemetery, claiming they were not Christians.
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The sign shape is rectangular but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

The cemetery was photographed that day Click for a larger image

Above the entrance gate to the cemetery you can find a cross, and next to it a sign indicating the name of the cemetery Click for a larger image

The sign indicating the cemetery reads:
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[The text in English is significantly shorter than the text in Hebrew, below is a translation of the Hebrew text]
The cemetery has been used by the Templar community since 1878. The residents of the German colony and the leaders of the Templar movement are buried there. Members of the community who were previously buried in the German colonies in Sarona and Wilhelma are buried in a mass grave.
The need to build a Templar cemetery stemmed from the Protestant bishop’s opposition to burying Templars in the Mount Zion cemetery, claiming they were not Christians.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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