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Sign: Tel Aviv - Democracy Square

Kikar hademocratia 1, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

On the sign:
כיכר הדמוקרטיה
ميدان الديمقراطية
Democracy Square
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The sign was placed at the Kaplan/Menachem Begin intersection, a place where the protests against the coup d’état that the Israeli government tried to carry out were focused.
The protests that began after the month of January 2023, in which the newly elected Israeli government presented, through the Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, a list of laws whose purpose is to significantly reduce the power of the Supreme Court in Israel, something that, in light of the prevailing governmental structure in Israel, could cause Israel to transform from a democracy in which there is Control over the executive branch, to a kind of dictatorship.
The protests and demonstrations that began since then and continue for the time being until the day the sign was photographed (mid-July 2023), for more than six months focused on the Kaplan/Menachem Begin intersection mainly on Saturday evenings (every week)
Two days before the sign was photographed, the Tel Aviv municipality decided to change the name of the intersection to Democracy Square.
The sign is similar to other signs used in the city of Tel Aviv Click for sign's details.

Another (probably temporary) sign was placed in the square with a drawing of the sign and buildings in the area (the HaKirya, the Azrieli Towers), in the photo you can see the three Azrieli Towers Click for a larger image

You can see the surroundings of the sign (picture from which the picture of the sign was taken) in the following picture Click for a larger image

The square was photographed on the day the sign was photographed (at 7 am, in the middle of the week, before the protests) Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

A week earlier, on one of the protest days in the middle of the week, the same square was photographed, on the day of Click for a larger image, and on the night of Click for a larger image

Another project of the Tel Aviv municipality where the Declaration of Independence was placed on the municipal building (in December 2022, and as of the photo the current sign is still there) is also displayed on the website Click for sign's details

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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