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Sign: Tel Aviv - Trumpeldor Cemetery - The grave of The grave of Haim Arlozorov and Sima Arlozorov

Hovevei Tsiyon St 18, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

On the sign:
חיים ארלוזורוב
נולד יג אדר תרנ"ט
נרצח כג סיון תרצ"ג
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The grave of the statesman Dr. Haim Arlozorov and his wife, who was the head of the political department of the Jewish Agency.
Arlozorov was murdered on the beach of Tel Aviv because of his contacts with the German government to save German Jews and their property when Hitler came to power.
The word "murdered" was added to his tombstone before the day of his death.

The next photo taken on the same day by the same photographer shows another side of the tombstone with the inscription "Chaim Arlosoroff" and the tombstone of his wife Sima:
סימה ארלוזורוב
ט"ז טבת תרס"ב
ל’ אדר א’ תשל"ו

Sima Arlosoroff
26 December 1901
2 March 1976
Click for a larger image

And in another photo that was also taken by the same photographer on the same day, the graves are visible, and the graves next to them
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Haim Arlozorov
He was born on the 23rd of February1899
He was murdered on the 16th of June 1933

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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