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Sign: Amherst - Yiddish Writers Garden - Poets

1021 West St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

On the sign:
אַברהם ליעסין
זכרונות און בילדער
מאָדערנע לידער
לידער און פּאָעמען

Abraham Liessin
Memoirs and Scenes
Modern Songs
Songs and Poems

In loving memory of Marcia & Seymour Kramer, whose love and care provided a foundation from which to grow. A gift of daughter Irma, and grandsons David, Matthew and Benjamin.

מאָריס ווינטשעווסקי
ליעדער און געדיכטע
דער משוגענער פֿילאָזאָף אין ענגלאנד
אַ טאָג מיט יעקבֿ גאָרדין

Morris Winczewski
Songs and Poetry
The Mad Philosopher in England
A Day with Jacob Gordin

In honor of Fran & Al Stave, who loved each other for 50 years, and taught their sons to live with courage, integrity, tzedakah and love.

דוד עדעלשטאַדט
אין קאַמף
מײַן צוואה
דער אָוונטגלאָק

David Edelstadt
In Struggle
My Testament
The Evening Bell

In loving memory of Dr. Sylvan Art Schotz, 1926-2017. Dedicated physician, devoted son of Max & Erna Schotz, and caring cousin of the Bardash family. With love from Manuel & Laura Bardash and Irwin & Teri Bardash.

יוסף באָוושאָווער
פּאָעטישע ווערקע
ליעדער און געדיכטע
געזאַמלטע שריפֿטן

Joseph Bovshover
Poetic Works
Songs and Poems
Collected Works

אין ליכטיקן אָנדענק פֿון אונדזערע באליבטע עלטערן אייב און פֿלאָרענץ גלאַסמאַן פֿון רייזל דזשימענעז און לאהלע עלקין
In memory of their beloved parents, Abe & Florence Glassman, by Rose G. Jiminez and Lillian G. Elkin

ז. ליבין
אַ זיפֿץ פֿון איין אַרבעטערס ברוסט
די פֿאַרשפּעטיקטע חופה
געבראָכענע הערצער

Z. Libin
A Sigh from a Worker’s Breast
The Belated Wedding
Broken Hearts

In loving memory of Selma & Aaron Borowsky; your kindness and generosity will never be forgotten. A gift of Irma, David, Matthew and Benjamin.

מאָריס ראָזענפֿעלד
מײַן ייִנגעלע
די סוועט שאָפּ
מײַן רוע פּלאַץ

Morris Rosenfeld
My Little Boy
The Sweat Shop
My Resting Place

A gift of Fannie & Hyman G. Klein

Morris Rosenfeld
from My Little Boy

איך האָב אַ קליינעם יינגעלע א זונעלע גאָר פֿײַן!
ווען איך דערזע אים דאכט זיך מיר, די גאנצע וועלט איז מיין

נאָר זעלטן, ועלטן זע איך אים, מיין שיינעם, ווען ער וואַכט,
איך טרעף אים אימער שלאָפֿנדיק. איך זע אים נאָר ביין ינאכט.

די אַרבעט טרייבט מיך פֿרי ארויס און לאָזט מיך שפעט צודיק,
א פֿרעמד אין מיר מיין אייגן לײַם
א פֿרעמד מײַן קינדס א בליק

I have a little son,
The lad is good and fine.
And when I look at him I think
The whole world is mine.

But only rarely, waking,
I see him, my delight.
I always find him sleeping.
When I see him it is night.

My work brings me out early.
It is late when I come back.
And my own flesh is strange to me,
My own child, alack!

אב. קאַהאַן
בלעטער פֿון מײַן לעבן

Abraham Cahan
Pages from My Life
Yekl, A Tale of the New York Ghetto
The Rise of David Levinsky

In memory of Irving Glasser, by his friends and family
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A sign in the Yiddish Writers’ Garden, a garden located in the center of Yiddish books in the city, an institution established in 1980 with the aim of preserving literature written in Yiddish Click for sign's details

The current plaque mainly features poets:
Abraham Liessin (1871-1938), was born in Minsk, Belarus. One of the greatest poets in the Yiddish language in the United States. He was also a journalist, mainly in those of the "Bond" movement (the Jewish Workers Party)
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Morris Winczewski (1856-1932), born in Jonava, Lithuania. Poet and journalist, one of the first Jewish socialists.
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David Edelstadt (1866-1892), born in Kaluga, Russia. Yiddish poet. Editor of an anarchist newspaper published in New York (Freya Arbeiter Shtime (The Voice of the Free Worker))
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Joseph Bovshover (1873-1915), born in Lyubavichi, Russia. Yiddish poet and translator
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Zalmon Libin (1872-1955), born in Horki, Belarus. A writer who wrote mainly short stories, he also wrote plays for the Yiddish theater.
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Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923), born in Suwałki, Poland. A poet, his ministry was influenced by his socialist path.
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Abraham Cahan (1860-1951), born in Paberžė, Lithuania. Writer and journalist. He was the founder and editor of the Yiddish socialist newspaper "Forevers" published in New York.
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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