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Sign: Amherst - Yiddish Writers Garden - Writers and Poets

1021 West St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

On the sign:
זלמן שניאור
נח פאַנדרע
קיסר און רבי

Zalman Shneour
Nor Pandre
Czar and Rebbe

In memory of her parents Max & Frieda Rottner, by Betty & Dr Larry Schnock

ש. ש. פֿרוג
דער בעכער
לידער און געדאַנקען
זאַמד און שטערן

S. G. Frug
The Wine Glass
Poems and Thoughts
Sand and Stars

In loving memory of her brother, Maury Dashevsky, by Muriel D.Schwartz

אַברהם רייזען

דעם ברודערס קוילן
עפּיזאָרן פֿון מײַן לעבן
הוליעט, הוליעט, בייזע ווינטן

Abraham Reisen
My Brother’s Bullets
Episodes of My Life
Frolic, Frolic, Wicked Winds

In memory of their grandparents, Isidore & Eva Kaitz Stelnig, Harry & Esther Friedlander Weitzner, Jacob & Emma Isenburger Stern, and Avram Yaakov & Rivke Fallek Reifer, by Stephen & Renée Stelnig

דוד איינהאָרן
שטילע געזאַנגען
אב הרחמים
שטילע יוגנט

David Einhorn
Quiet Songs
Father of Mercy
Quiet Youth

In memory of Harry & Freda Kavanat, by Milton Kavanat

דוד פינסקי
דער אייביקער ייִד
דער צעריסענער מענטש
די מוטער

David Pinski
The Eternal Jew
The Tattered Person
The Mother

A gift of Dr. Gabriel Pinski & Atty. Avivah R. Z. Pinski

David Pinski from The Last Jew
LIPMAN. But, grandpa, the question isn’t a question, either. For thousands of years the Jews have suffered and have borne the most grievous sorrows with iron patience. That same patience must not desert us before the happy end arrives.

REB MAYSHE, Yes. For thousands of years our strength came from our God, and our patience from our faith. But you would accomplish everything with human hands alone, without God and against our faith. That’s why today we have neither strength nor patience.

LIPMAN, Those are mere words that unreasonable people insist upon using. And I tell you, grandpa, we are a dispersed people, a haphazard people. Didn’t Moses approach us with the same charge. and doesn’t the Talmud judge us likewise? A people that refuses to recognize that a nation is not built in a night - nor a people established in a day. We can suffer in silence for eternities, but no sooner are we shown a way out than we lose all patience. And instead of setting quietly to work, we disturb matters with our impatience and our questions about "the present"

-Translated by Isaac Goldberg

אין ליכטיקן אָנדענק פֿון מרדכי שמואל
In memory of Max S. Rebarber, by Henry S. & Sylvia Rebarber Leff

שלום אַש
איסט ריווער
גאָט פֿון נקמה
דריי שטעט

Sholem Asch
East River
God of Vengeance
Three Cities

In memory of her father, Sholem Asch, by Ruth Shaffer

Sholem Asch from Kola Street

[Text in Yiddish]

When the news that Jews were being attacked reached Rola Street, Hershele Cossack ran out of his butcher shop, grabbed a bag threw into it three ten-pound weighty, and sheng it over his shoulder. Come on, brothers! And all of Kola Street surged after him-butchers with cleaves and knives, teamsters with shatis from their carts, fishermen with grappling kona, horse-dealers with steel whips on their hornes - all of them streamed to the home market
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A sign in the Yiddish Writers’ Garden, a garden located in the center of Yiddish books in the city, an institution established in 1980 with the aim of preserving literature written in Yiddish Click for sign's details

The current plaque mainly features writers and poets:
Zalman Shneour (1887-1959), born in Shklow, Belarus. The pen name of Shneur Zalkind, one of the well-known writers, winner of the Israel Prize for Fine Literature (1955)
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Shimon Frug (1860-1916), was born in Bobrovi Kot, Ukraine. Shimon Shmuel Prog was a poet who wrote in Russian and Yiddish and a little Hebrew. Active in the "Zion Lovers" movement
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Abraham Reisen (1876-1953), born Koydenev (Dzyarzhynsk), Belarus. Poet and children’s author who also wrote plays.
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David Einhorn (1886-1973) poet.
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David Pinski (1959-1972) was born in Mogilev, Baleros. Yiddish writer and playwright, considered one of the greatest playwrights active in the 20th century.
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Sholem Asch (1880-1957), born in Kutno, Poland. One of the best known Jewish writers of the 20th century. Wrote dozens of books and plays.
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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