Various signs
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Sign: Amherst - Yiddish Writers Garden - Playwrights and actors

1021 West St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

On the sign:
פרץ הירשביין
די פוסטע קרעטשמע
גרינע פֿעלדער
אַרום דער וועלט

Peretz Hirschbein
The Empty Inn
Green Fields
Around the World

A gift from Bina Malka (Barbara) Matos in memory of her beloved parents, Gittel & Shabsi Benjamin (Gertrude & Felix) Horowitz. A sheynem dank for sharing their love.

אברהם גאָלדפֿאַרען
די ביידע קוני־לעמל
קעניג אַחשורוש

Abraham Goldfaden
The Two Kuni-Lemls
King Ahashveros

A gift of Anne Rothenberg Zabel

בעסי טאָמאַשעווסקי
מײַן לעבנס געשיכטע

Bessie Thomashefsky
My Life Story

A gift of the Elovitz Family

ש. אנ־סקי
צווישן צוויי וועלטן
חורבן גאליציע
די שבועה

S. An-Ski
The Dybbuk
The Destruction of Galicia
The Oath (Hymn of the Bund)

In memory of Minnie & Elie Schwartz and Belle & Sam Shane, by Drs. Paul G & Ana M. Shane

צילי אַדלער
צילי אַדלער דערציילט

Celia Adler
Celia Adler Tells Her Story

A gift of Adele S. Dresner

יעקבֿ גאָרדין
דער ייִדישער קעניג ליער
די געברידער לוריע
גאט, מענטש און טײַוול

Jacob Gordin
The Jewish King Lear
The Brothers Luria
God, Man and Devil

A gift of Alan & Arlene Alda

Jacob Gordin
from God, Man and Devil

הערשעלע (בלובט לאַנג אָן באוועגונג דאן נעמט ער דעם טלית און באטראכט): אויסגעווייקט אין זיון בלוט און אין די טרערן פֿון זמנע יתומים ...
און ראָס זאָל איך אויך פֿאַרשרים אויף מיון חשבון אז עס איז א גרויסער חשבון א שווערצר חשבון... איך האָב צופֿיל צו צאָלן און פֿיל אַז איך מון באנקראטירן, באנקראט! איך באנקראטור איצט ניט אזוי ווי דאַמאָלט, מיט מזיקן בשותפות ניין! אליין יענע חובות האב איך געהאַס מיט וואָס צו צאָלן און האָב ניט געוואָלט צאָלן, איצט וואָלט איך אפשר גשואָלט צאָלן, נאָר איך האב ניט מיט װאָס. (עפֿענט די קאַסע) איך זעט? אַ פֿולע קאַסע מיט גאָלד און דעם קלענסטן חובֿ וואָס אַ מענש איז שולדיג אַ מענשען קען מען מיט דעם ניט באַצאָלען. אי גוזיסער גבֿיר, וואָס פֿאַר אַ שרעקליבער ארעמאן דו ביסט!

HERSHELE. (He remains a long time without moving. Then he takes the prayer shawl and contemplates it.) Soaked in his blood and in the tears of his orphans. Oh, mine is a big account, a heavy account. I have so much to pay, I feel I must go bankrupt. Bankrupt. Not the way I did with my partner Mischief. No. No, then I had something to pay my debts with and did not want to pay. This time I want to pay but I have nothing to pay with. (He opens the strongbox.) Look at that. A strongbox full of money, yet it will not pay the smallest debt which one man can owe another. Oh, powerful rich man, how fearfully poor you are!

-Translated by Nahma Sandrow

בען גיילינג
גיט אַ שמייכל

Ben Galing

A gift by Michael Perlmuter
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A sign in the Yiddish Writers’ Garden, a garden located in the center of Yiddish books in the city, an institution established in 1980 with the aim of preserving literature written in Yiddish Click for sign's details

The current sign mainly features playwrights and actors, some of whom were active in the socialist movement:
Peretz Hirschbein (1880-1948), born in Grodno, Belarus. Playwright, poet and writer, initially wrote in Hebrew and later only in Yiddish. Best known for the plays he wrote.
He was married to Esther Shumiatcher- Hirschbein Click for sign's details
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Abraham Goldfaden (1840-1908), was born in Starokostiantyniv, Ukraine. He held a series of roles in the theater: director, playwright, composer and actor. At the age of 36, he founded a theater group in Romania that was considered the first to perform in Yiddish. Considered the father of the modern Jewish theater. One of the most famous plays he wrote: Shani Koni-Lamel was also translated into Hebrew, and was also made into a motion picture.
Also commemorated on the Yiddish Theater Walk of Fame on Second Avenue in New York Click for sign's details, Click for sign's details
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Bessie Thomashefsky (1873-1962), was born in Tarashcha, Ukraine. An actress and singer who was one of the stars of the Yiddish theater
Commemorated (together with her husband Boris) also on the walk of fame of the Yiddish Theater on Second Avenue in New York Click for sign's details
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S. An-Ski (1863-1920), born in Chashniki, Belarus. Writer, playwright and poet who, in addition to Yiddish, also wrote in Russian. Mainly known for the play "Hadibok" (Between Two Worlds), one of the most famous Jewish plays in the world. He was active in the socialist movement.
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Celia Adler (1889-1979), was born in New York, United States. Film and theater actress. Known as "the first lady of Yiddish theater"
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Jacob Gordin (1853-1909), was born in Myrhorod, Ukraine. One of the greatest Yiddish theater playwrights. He was also known for his socialist and revolutionary views. His most famous play is: "Mirella Efrat" based on Shakespeare’s "King Lear".
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Ben Galing (1898-1999), an actor best known for his radio shows, yes in his performance in "Fiddler on the Roof".
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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