One of the Story Gardens in Holon, gardens designed according to childrens books. This garden, which is located in the "Story Gardens Cluster"
Click for sign's details,
Click for sign's details The garden with sculptures depicting the story was photographed that day
The second board
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Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image A sign signed by the sculptor is on the pool wall:
Dorit Feldman
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
A small fish there in the pond all day cried and cried:
"Oh so boring to me, soon I will fall asleep.
Instead of a song, bubbles come out - enough, Im tired of being a fish.
Water, water, its not good all the time Im wet! "
One day a wave told him: "Do not be so miserable,
If you only count to three, you will soon become a bird. "
To the heights the bird took off, every cloud cheering cheered.
Flying all day is pretty hard and tiring.
Said an easily broken bird: "I want to be a mouse."
From the fish that did not want to be a fish
[Table Two]
He better be a bear already.
In a golden honey hive, what good is a bears life.
The honey is sweet, the tongue rolls, but the stomach at the end gets confused.
The fever is rising, the bear is sick, eyes on high are hanging
And asks heaven to be a fish in the water again.
We told the whole story, we did not skip, we did not hurry,
We did not forget a word until the secret was revealed.
Because its always best to be you - and enough!
From the fish that did not want to be a fish