The monument was photographed that day
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Click for a larger image About the Sculpture: The monument consists of two divisions: a girl desecrating a flute, and next to it a statue with the motif of a dead soldier hanging upside down, with its legs carrying the state land and on it 3 trees expressing the 3 undergrounds.
The idea for the sculpture probably came from a song by Uri Zvi Greenberg about a sight he saw in World War I, of dead soldiers hanging on a barbed wire fence.
Translation of the text on the sign:
The symbol of the Haganah organization
Symbol of the Irgun organization
The symbol of the Lehi organization
Ramat Gan Underground Monument As part of the effort to impart the legacy of the underground -
Haganah Irgun Lehi To emphasize what they have in common and their values, the underground organizations - through their representatives and in cooperation with the Mayor of Ramat Gan, Mr. Zvi Bar, decided to establish the "Garden of the Underground" in Ramat Gan, including the monument - by the artist Menashe Kadishman.
The monument, which was erected on this site on Independence Day 2006, symbolizes the values of the underground and what they have in common - in sacrifice and adherence to the goal, in the struggle for the establishment of the State of Israel, 1948.
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