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Sign: Jerusalem - Photograph in stone - The Family of Eliahu and Mazal Mizrahi

Ohel Moshe St 1, Jerusalem, Israel

On the sign:
משפחת אליהו ומזל מזרחי
משפחת מזרחי ממגורשי ספרד, חיה בירושלים ברציפות יותר מ-350 שנה.
מאבות המשפחה נודעו לתהילה "נרות המזרחי", מחברי ספרי השו"ת "פרי הארץ" ו"אדמת קודש".
אליהו והוריו היו מראשוני המשתכנים ב"אוהל משה".
אביבה שר, שמואל שמיר ורפאל שמיר
צילום: 1920, מאוסף המשפחה, דפוס רשת על גבי פורצלן.

סמל מיזם "תמונה באבן" - אוהל משה - תרמ"ב 1882 - ירושלים

Symbol of the "Photograph in Stone" project - Ohel Moshe 1882 - JERUSALEM

The Family of Eliahu and Mazal Mizrahi
The Mizrahi family, among those Jews expelled from Spain in 1492, has lived in Jerusalem for over 350 years.
Among the members of the family who gained renown were "Neroth Hamizrahi", the authors of two, books of responsa: Pri Ha’aretz and Admat Hakodesh. Eliahu and his parents were among the first to take up residence in the Ohel Moshe quarter.
Aviva Sher, Shmuel Shamir, and Raphael Shamir
Photo: 1920, family collection, silk screen print on porcelain.

[תמונה: בני הזוג בשנת 1920]
[Image: The couple in 1920]
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A sign belonging to the "Photograph in Stone" series. In this series, which is located mainly in the center of Jerusalem, historical buildings, prominent figures in the city’s history and more are commemorated.

The house on which the sign is located was photographed that day Click for a larger image
The couple appears on the right sign, the sign on the left belongs to the family of Avraham and Esther Sasson Click for sign's details

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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