The sign is one of a series of signs posted by the Ramat Gan Municipality and the Krinitzi House - the Ramat Gan City House that tells the historical story of Ramat Gan
The sign along with another sign depicting the officers’ quarters at the Ramat Gan Police station
Click for sign's details, is located in front of the Ramat Gan Police Station, the Taggart Fort, which was built in the early 1940s.
The Ramat Gan Police Station was photographed on the same day
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Click for a larger image Both signs in their entirety were photographed on the same day
Click for a larger image The images on the sign appear here in enlarged format:
The monument to Dov Gruner and the three Irgun fighters
Click for a larger image A poster of the Irgun before Gruner’s execution, with the following text:
[סמל האצ"ל]
בצל התלייה הועמד חייל עברי, ששרת בדם לבו את עמו, ואת ארצו ונפל בשבי האוייב.
קצינים של צבא הכבוש הבריטי, המתיימרים להיות דיינים, הוציאו גזר דין מות על דב גרונר, ברמסם את חוקי המלחמה, המקובלים בעולם התרבותי.
העלאת שבוי לגרדום הוא רצח בכוונה תחילה.
אנו מזהירים את שלטון הדמים הבריטי מפני ביצוע הפשע.
הארגון הצבאי הלאומי
טבת תש"ז
[Irgun emblem]
In the shadow of the gallows stood a Hebrew soldier who served his people and his country with all his heart’s blood and fell into the enemy’s captivity.
Officers of the British occupation army, claiming to be judges, issued a death sentence on Dov Gruner, trampling on the laws of war, which are accepted in the civilized world.
Lifting a prisoner to the gallows is premeditated murder.
We warn the bloody British rule against committing the crime.
The National Military Organization
in Palestine
Tevet 1947
Click for a larger image The monument to Dov Gruner, during its construction, in 1954
Click for a larger image Dov Gruner
Click for a larger image The Dov Gruner monument mentioned on the sign stands on the other side of the road. For more details about the monument, see a sign from the same series of signs
Click for sign's details